Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nebraskans: Honorary Meteorologists

     Today's tornado watch made me think of another reason why I love Nebraskans. Any born and raised Nebraskan worth their salt can give a collegiate level lecture on meteorology with particular expertise in tornadoes. Most can hold an intelligible conversation about supercells, wall clouds, hook echoes, high and low pressure systems, the Fujita scale and their local meteorologist of choice (Jim Flowers wins because of his amazing stache-see picture to the right). Most can brag of a friend of family member who is an amateur storm chaser...or just an idiot with a camera, car and a death wish. Not only are Nebraskans technically and scientifically savvy, each can preach safety in our sleep.   
      From grade-school age, we were inundated with information about safety and subjected to so many drills that many can ramble off something like "go to an inner room on the lowest level away from windows in a bathtub under a mattress" without a second thought. Even as an adult, it's not uncommon to hear a heated debate about ditch vs. underpass survivability or theories about Lincoln being impervious to tornadoes due to its location in a valley.
      Some experienced inhabitants of tornado valley claim a greenish color, a drop in barometric pressure, a smell on the breeze or just that feeling in their bones that alerts them to a storm system's tornadic potential. But this amazing sixth or even seventh sense isn't what I love most about Nebraskans...
      From as far back as I can remember, I have loved severe weather and have many fond memories of our family gathered around the TV, watching live Doppler and then running out onto the porch amidst sirens blaring to scan the horizon for funnel clouds. Despite the freakish amount of safety and scientific knowledge we all possess, the Husker in our blood calls us outside to witness the storm in all her glory; a phenomenon that I have witnessed in native Oklahomans and Missourians as well. This blatant disregard for safety in hopes of claiming bragging rights and experiencing a Midwest right of passage is just one reason why I love Nebraskans so dearly.    

      I wish you a safe weather alert day!


Monday, March 21, 2011

It's The Little Things

      I had a horrible time trying to decide on a topic for my first post. I sat in class today imagining my reader crying theatrical tears (ya know, the kind that leaves one's makeup perfect and lacks the weepy, snotty reality of crying) about my inspirational and poignant commentary about X unsolvable problem in which I alone possess the solution. Energized by this new mission to dissolve my readers into a sobbing mess, I went about drafting an epic list of deep social, cultural and political dillemas. After becoming thoroughly depressed in the sheer volume of issues, I ditched my four or five lists and came to the conclusion that I have to blog about something that brings me joy today. 
      I'm going to start this blog off with things that I love and though I am a little embarrassed to admit it, I love lists. I really, truly love writing, reading, crossing out and organizing lists. And in hopes that you may enjoy reading my list as much as I enjoyed writing it, I give you:

My Top 25 Simple Pleasures in Life
1. Sleeping in
2. Finding money in a pocket
3. Receiving a handwritten letter or a package
4. Making a yellow light
5. Seeing a friend trip (without injury of coarse)
6. 90s at noon
7. A cold drink when I am really thirsty (Diet Mt. Dew )
8. Saying the same thing simultaneously with someone
9. The pull-through parking spot
10. Waking up and realizing I have more time to sleep
11. Warm clothes out of the dryer
12. The house smelling like baking (mmm...chocolate chip cookies)
13. The satisfaction of being right
14. Belly laughing
15. Snow days
16. Tearing open a wrapped gift
17. Using a new razor
18. Babies, puppies and mini versions of things (See Dante to the right)
19. Catching an awesome sale
20. Easy open packaging or easy to assemble items
21. A pedicure (Any takers? Your nasty winter feet need some attention before flip-flops haha)
22. Finding something once lost
23. Driving with the windows down on a nice day
24. Reminiscing with an old friend
25. Lists!!!

Have a fantastic Monday!

"It is neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so." -Shakespeare